Ассоциация Художников
Ботанического Искусства
+7 (925) 901-26-28
e-mail sabarussia@yandex.ru
Revived Panacea Flower: medicinal plants

Annual “Revived Panacea Flower: medicinal plants” exhibition from SABA, Society of Artists of Botanical Arts, and conditions of participation

Participant list

de Smidt Gail
de Jong Eline
Geninazza Loredana
Hentrich Andreas
Ishikawa Mieko
Neacsu Irina
Siccama Elizabeth
Smit Dick
Sylvia Peter
van Elk Ria

If you or some of your colleagues sent application before September 7, please contact igolubeva@rubotanicalart.com We had an unforeseen problem and now we are sending letters to everyone who was invited to participate in the exhibition. All submitted applications before September 7 came in unreadable encoding. We discovered this problem too late. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and ask to re-register.

Organizer: Society of Artists of Botanical Arts (АХБИ, SABA)

Email: igolubeva@rubotanicalart.com
Web: rubotanicalart.com
Instagram: @russianbotanicalartists
FB: Society of Artists of Botanical Art
Theme of the exhibition: medicinal plants

The theme includes plants, mushrooms, mosses, lichens, algae with medicinal properties which are used in official, folk and homeopathic medicine. Each work should be accompanied by a short essay covering the theme (detailing the use of the chosen plant etc.). Each essay should contain a link to the credible source from which the medicinal properties were taken. Any published books, monographs, articles in scientific magazines, mentions in pharmacopoeias, historical annals etc. will be considered a credible source. What will not be considered a credible source is Wikipedia, anonymous articles on websites etc. There are no guidelines as to how the link should be presented but it must contain the title of the book/article, the author’s name, year of publication, and the publisher. For official Internet resources please provide a direct link to the article.

Participation in the exhibition:

  • Works are to be submitted on-line for preliminary selection within a time-frame specified on the SABA website Submit a request for the exhibition.
  • The jury will conduct selection and each contestant will be notified of the results. Should the image provided by the participant not match the resolution standard required for printing in the catalog, the organizing committee may request an image of better quality to match the required standard.
  • A registration fee is to be paid by each participant before September 20.
  • November 14 at 5:00 pm the opening of the exhibition in the gallery.
  • December 6 at 4:00 pm closing ceremony, where participants will be presented with diplomas and awards.
  • After closing, dismantling of the exhibition begins.
  • The organizing committee packs and sends out the works (along with catalogs and participation diplomas) to the participants residing in other cities.

Which works can be submitted in the participation application?
1. We only accept works in the botanical painting and botanical illustrations genre, and/or volumetric compositions. Any materials can be used in the creation of the works, as long as the genre specific look is achieved, namely: watercolor, colored pencils, alcohol markers, liners, ink, acrylic paint, oil paint, graphite, glass, polymer clay etc. Works may be done in color or in black in white. Use of black (or colored) background is also allowed. Sculptures made of polymer clay, glass and any other material, as well as panels, bas-reliefs, etc., may be submitted for the preliminary selection. Only realistic works will be accepted to the exhibition; abstractions, stylizations will not be considered by the jury.
2. Each work must be submitted with a description: English and Latin name of the plant (genus and species), an additional artistic title for the work is also allowed, materials and the technique used, dimensions of work without mat (height*width); year of creation. Works with undefined objects will not be accepted.

Exhibition: between November 14 and December 6, 2020.
Application for the preliminary selection: strictly until September 10.
Preliminary selection results: until September 15.

Moscow, Ulitsa Adameika Millionschikova, 35, building 5, Na Kashirke Art Gallery, subway station Kashirskaya
Submitting works and selection for the exhibition.

All submitted works will be evaluated by the jury. They will be checked for compliance with the theme, ethical standards, technique and execution requirements, as well as compliance with the genre and botanical accuracy.

Each contestant may submit up to 5 works.
Up to 3 works sized at 30х40cm and up to 2 works sized at 40x50cm may be selected from each participant to show at the exhibition. Any other sizes must be discussed with the organizers.
A digital image of the work is to be attached to the application on the rubotanicalart.com website.
The jury will only consider high quality scans, color corrected and with appropriate white balance (similar in quality to photograph) with no less than 300 dpi and suitable for printing.
One work from each participant selected to partake in the exhibition will be included in the exhibition catalog.
Each participant is responsible for color correction, background removal etc. It is advised to correct the background color (or remove it altogether), remove any imperfections and artifacts.
Any images failing to meet these requirements, ‘blurry’, ‘cluttered’, ‘dark’ etc. will be rejected.
The selection process will be held until September 15, at which point the list of the accepted participants will be published on our official pages as well as on our social media accounts.
Each participant whose work(s) got accepted to take part in the exhibition must pay the registration fee until September 20.

Since sending original works and customs clearance along with customs duties complicate participation and increase its cost, from abroad we accept work in electronic form (scan in a good resolution). Works are to be printed in Moscow with professional equipment and exhibited in prints. If desired, the print can be sent to the artist along with the catalog or you can enter the SABA archive. We guarantee that the images will be used only in papers and posts in social medias telling about the exhibition. Frames and mats are provided by SABA.

The entrance fee is 25 Euro for participation with 1 artwork and 10 euros for each additional (2 artworks 35 euros, 3 artworks 45 euros) - including the manufacture of a print, frame rental, a catalog with one work from each participant according to the results of the exhibition and diploma.

As part of the promotion of the exhibition, works submitted for selection may be published on-line (social media, websites etc.); always crediting the author.

If you have any further questions, you can always reach the organizing committee via email igolubeva@rubotanicalart.com. We kindly ask that any questions pertaining to the exhibition be discussed privately via email directly with the organizing committee. We also ask that each topic is to be kept to the same email thread (please use the reply button when sending your response) so that your emails do not get lost in the heaps of correspondence.

IMPORTANT! The display of the exhibition will depend on the recommendations of the epidemiological services. If public events are prohibited at the time of the exhibition, it will be held on-line. Any such changes will be duly announced if necessary.